Tachograph Analysis

Drivers' Hours and Tachograph Analysis

One of the legal undertakings of the Operator Licence states that 'the rules on drivers hours and tachographs are observed, proper records are kept and they are made available on request'. Failure to do so is a criminal offence and could result in revocation of your Operator Licence.

Pivotal TMC offer a simple, cost effective system for ensuring that you remain compliant with this undertaking. Simply download your driver ards and vehicle units at agreen intervals and we will then supply you with a monthly report containing all of the relevant and improtant documents for you to successfully manage your drivers. These reports will include detailed infringements, WTD reports, fixed penalty charges, tachograph calibration reminders, vehicle and driver download histories and unaccounted distances.

All drivers must also be able to evidence their activities whilst away from the vehicle. This can be done either through a time consuming manual entry system on the tachograph unit, or more simply managed by you transport department through free access to your own driver calendar. Here you can record other work, training, sickness and holidays, ensuring your entire team are able to evidence this requirement.

 Drivers' Hours Video!